So let us keep the warriors spiritAlive in every move we make,For it is through this art, we inheritA strength that will never shake. The place where we share our secrets,and it always just makes sense,Where my soul can be wide open,true and free without defence,Split by a generation,simply makes us both so nearer,To words so true from both,whether youre the speaker or the hearer. Would you volunteer to be Captain, Lord?To ensure there is fair play?For if you draw the cards, and measure,I hope to play for you someday. Poems perfect for those who loved getting their fingers green and pottering about in the garden. Karate is a quiet art,Yet speaks louder than a shout.It moves with grace, a work of heart,And can turn a life around. Land of the rainbow gold,For flood and fire and famine she pays us back threefold.Over the thirsty paddocks, watch, after many days,The filmy veil of greenness that thickens as we gaze. Cricket Poems - Modern Award-winning Cricket Poetry : All Poetry It serves as a mark of respect to all who played in 2010 and as a memorial to the unknown village side, especially to those who may knowingly or unknowingly . So, if this is the last timeWe speak, then may I say,Life with you was good, my friend,And Ill see you on the 19th one day. We sit a whileWe guess bird namesWe look them upWe watch bird games. Images of smoke and the haunting sound of siren screamswere the memory companions that filled all his nightly dreamsand they became his lifeblood as well as passions fireto faithfully yield to the duty they so overwhelmingly did inspire. Do with us what you will,they faintly sigh, as you close the door on them.He is gone and no one can tell us where. My love, you gave yourself to meAnd life caught fire from your spark. Peter in his wisdomCan take the mick out of my weight. There is no necessity for funerals to be just solemn occasions devoid of smiling and laughter. The first rose represents our grief.The pain of losing you is intense.It reminds us of the depth of our love for you. "Alive" by Winifred Mary Letts. Last scene of all,That ends this strange eventful history,Is second childishness and mere oblivion;Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. Best Rugby Poems. And if the way grows darker still,Shadowed by Sorrows sombre wing,With glad defiance in my throat,I pierce the darkness with a note,And sing, and sing. Poems reflecting upon the importance of the memories we have of others. This is the life of a dancer en pointeRisking the health of her feet, legs and jointsJust for that one perfect moment on stageWhere the ballerina stands tall and all are amazed. He cannot help but have death on his mind. Remember Me. Poems for those who made a living as a florist, or who simply enjoyed picking, giving or receiving flowers. I thought I saw her face todayIn the sparkle of the morning sun.And then I heard the angel say,Her work on earth is done., I thought I heard her voice todayThen laugh her hearty laugh.And then I heard the angel say,Theres peace, little one, at last., I thought I felt her touch todayIn the breeze that rustled by.And then I heard the angel say,The spirit never dies., I thought that she had left meFor the stars so far above.And then I heard the angel say,She left you with her love., I thought that I would miss herAnd never find my way.And then I heard the angel say,Shes with you every day.. But there are those whose whole life is a blessing,Not just a moment, a smile or a word.They make all around them feel special,No person ignored or unheard. Thtitiede. Poems perfect for those who liked to while away the hours engrossed in some table-top magic. 10 Best Poems for Funerals - Perfect for him: right field inbaseball, an eccentrics positionthough he thought of drifting into otherfields beyond. I shall remain in hearts and mindsOf loved ones that I knew,And in the rocks and hills and streamsBecause I love those, too. But that apron had more usesThan I could ever count.It brought in eggs and vegetablesAnd could hold a large amount. You can shed tears that she is goneOr you can smile because she has lived, You can close your eyes and pray that she will come backOr you can open your eyes and see all that she has left, Your heart can be empty because you cant see herOr you can be full of the love that you shared, You can remember her and only that she is goneOr you can cherish her memory and let it live on. Every gambler knowsThat the secret to survivinIs knowin what to throw awayAnd knowin what to keepCause every hands a winnerAnd every hands a loserAnd the best that you can hope forIs to die in your sleep.. To the likes of you and me?So, my friends, come walk a while, the futures ours to see. A product of where youve been, What youve done and what theyve seen, Theyve learnt most from the example you have set, So not totally to blame, Not too different, but the same, We all think we tried our very best, and yet? Scatter my ashes at Pemaquid Point*,Let the wind sail them home to the sea.Cradle of life, be my cradle in death,And set my spirit free. Id like to sow the barren spotswith all the flowers of earth,To leave a path where those who comeshould find but gentle mirth;And when at last Im called uponto join the heavenly throngId like to feel along my wayId left no sign of wrong. The sadness of the present daysIs locked and set in time.And moving to the futureIs a slow and painful climb. Rest there on the mossWhere the soft zephyrs tossThough circlet of beauty and prideWith thy invisible wingsAttached to thy stringsAre folded in peace at thy side. Too many to paste into the thread, enjoy! I cant say goodbye.I cant acceptYour death.You will live in my heartForeverUntil my last breath. Poems about those people in our lives who stuck by us through thick and thin. Grandmas quilts held memories,Of bygone days and years,Of loved ones gathered round the hearth,And tales of joy and cheer. When we kids were hurt or cryingWed run to find her lapShed wipe the falling tears awayWith a bit of apron flap. O Life! SURLY was the crossword clue,I gave a sideways stare;my hubby gave a stifled coughand looked into the air. Ive been a daughter, mum, nan and wifeI had a ball and enjoyed my lifeIts just that when I heard the callThe call had my number on the ball.Live on now, make me proud of what youll become. cricket poems for funerals Ive seen them win, lose and draw, rush by in charging blur, Neck and neck, nose to nose, to the photo we refer, The weight is right, the track is fair, the sun will always shine, As once more past the Judges, and I cross that Finish Line. When playing darts, it is agreed,A steady hand is what you need. Little rattle of dry seeds in pods, The warm crowd . The instruments played this salutationTo amusicianof note and much moreAt the end, everyone stamped their feetEncore, Encore, Encore! I cant be there to hold your handI cant be there to hug youI cant be there to dry a tearBut there is one thing I can do. We rowed, my friend and I, out past the swallowing reeds and the water lilies to where the river opened into a world of morning light and the herons voices and the musky scent of redemption and then we dipped our oars in unison and glided silently toward heaven. He saw the road was getting roughAnd the hills were hard to climb,So he closed your weary eyelidsAnd whispered, Peace be thine.. And when hed finished speakinHe turned back toward the windowCrushed out his cigaretteFaded off to sleepAnd somewhere in the darknessThe gambler he broke evenBut in his final wordsI found an ace that I could keep. To one who bears the sweetest nameand adds a luster to the same,who shares my joy, who cheers when sad,the greatest friend Ive ever had. Her knitting needles are now silentNot a sound more will they makeBut what a wonderful lesson [name] has left usTo give always more than you take. A mile of gleaming metal linesThe circle and the park;Out of saddles, boots hit brickAnd make for chapels heart. Cricket, Lovely Cricket by Kwame Dawes | Poetry Foundation You filled our home with happinessand made our life complete.The time we had with youwas far too short, but oh so sweet. Coast to coast across England in one day;A hundred miles in one trip. I have always been a readerand I will always be oneeven when I am no longer heremy books will live oncarrying me in their heartsjust as I have carried themin mine. Whenever Im upset I know yourethere with a shoulder to cry on.Whenever I face a problem and need some helpI know you are one I can rely on. Think of me as one at rest,for me you should not weepI have no pain no troubled thoughtsfor I am just asleepThe living thinking me that was,is now forever stillAnd life goes on without me now,as time forever will. Its any time that youve been proudof others or yourself.Its every song you turned up loud,and every friend you helped. Forget what is happening all around,And keep both feet upon the ground; Dont let anything hurry you,And let each dart fly straight and true! Perhaps you thought I missed it all,And that wed grow apart,But Dad, I picked up everything,Its written on my heart. Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.I give a share of my soul to the world where my course is run.I know that another shall finish the task I must leave undone.I know that no flower, nor flint was in vain on the path I trod.As one looks on a face through a window, through life, I have looked on God. I think about all the things Ill miss,your smile, your laugh, your kiss. Like the car he drives,He will pass you in the fast lane of life,Like the blaring music from his car,He loves life and a good joke,Like the roaring engine of his car,His temper will take off like a racer to the finish line,With his fast car he ran straight through everyones heart,When his engine went he went along with his fast car to heaven,Going fast as he could down the road of eternal sleep,While he lies in his eternal sleep never to wake his fast car lies with him! As I Look Up To The Skies Above anon A sorrowful poem about how the world is a shade darker after losing someone.Requiem Robert Louis Stevenson A beautiful poem about acceptance, and being laid to rest under the night sky.The Sombre Astronomer Michael Humphries A short poem of longing to be with our lost loved ones again.There Is A New Star Shining In The Sky Tonight Sarah Hartwell Some prose reflecting upon the stars in the night sky. The 43 Most Touching Funeral Poems for Moms The last time he cut his mothers hairthe rude morning sunleft no corner of her kitchen private,the light surgically cleanwhere it fell on his scissors.Her hair fell in a blonde circleon the lake blue tilesmell of coffeeand cinnamon; her laughingshook her head, Hold still, he said,his hands surfeit with the curland softness of her hair. Which organisations allow you to scatter? The Song of the Reel by W. E. Hutchinson. Yet my love of cricket was hereditary. If thou wouldst win, and not thy fortune rue,Subdue thyself yet to thyself be true. Camping Kaitlyn DeMatteo A short verse contemplating the wonders of camping out under the stars.I Feel You Drifting Darren White A moving, heartfelt verse written by a partner to their lost lover.This Journey Is Just Beginning Ju D. G. A lament upon having to part, but hopeful of what might be to come. They are too far away for us to touch, just as [s]he has gone somewhere we cannot follow until our own star-time comes.The stars cannot be held close for comfort, just as we can no longer hold him/her close but the stars will burn forever.One day, our own star-time will come, and our spirit will soar into the sky to burn with all those lovely family and friends who have gone before us.On the inky cloth of space, we will be reunited in constellations of joy.Until then, our own flame burns low and dim and cold without you. When I feel overwhelmed by destruction,Let me go down to the sea.Let me sit by the immeasurable oceanAnd watch the surfBeating in and running out all day and all nightLet me sit by the seaAnd have the bitter sea windsSlap my cheeks with their cold, damp handsUntil I am sensible again.Let me look at the sky at nightAnd let the stars tell meOf limitless horizons and unknown universesUntil I am grown calm and strong once more. Feel No Guilt In Laughter anon A call not to feel guilty at sharing happy and funny memories of the deceased.Last Will And Testament Max Scratchmann A light-hearted message from the deceased to their living relatives. Survival and loveare what counts, and arentgames. I imagine you dancingSkipping among the cloudsHappily singing with the angelsLooking down upon the crowds. Earrings Mark Gregory a poem in free verse about a woman who wore earrings with true grace.A Mothers Crown anon A religious poem about all the elements of a mothers character.She Loved Jewellery Lewis Raynes A slightly humorous poem for someone who wore a lot of jewellery. Click on the title to continue reading, or browse a larger collection of funeral verses, including non-religious funeral poems and short verses. Not quite a reading, but maybe verses from "when an old cricketer leaves the crease", a song by Roy Harper. A man who loves this land,And the beauty of its sand.I know of a springs fresh flowAnd autumns golden glow,Of a newborn calfs hesitation,And the eagles destination. For the cricket ball writ with a noble name, A team of ten, which had once been eleven, Since this wicket had fallen some days ago, And as the bowler delivered to the lone batsman, The cricketer crossing the last boundary, To a third innings that would forever last. The third candle we light in your memory: the times we laughed, the times we cried,the times we were angry towards each other, the silly things you did, and the caring and joy you gave us. When my sailing days are over,And I sail the seas no more,I shall build myself a refugeBy the oceans murmuring shore.As I watch the foaming breakersWhen the tide comes rushing in,I will contemplate my lifetimeWith its virtues and its sins. I cannot say. Although we fell and stumbled at times,all those hills were necessary climbs. If they mention a 'he' or 'she' you can always change that. Death is an inevitable fate.Someday we have to go.You hope you didyour best in life,but how are you to know? Then as the flowers transcendedAnd the night closesNothing is brokenOnly waiting to be mended. As eighteen flags flew at half mast, andGlasses were soberly raised highThe latest member was having a ballAt the golf course in the sky, Freed from the gravity of the situationThe first tee shot soared through spaceBringing a wondrous, beaming smileTo a kind, down to earth face, Surrounded by old club friendsOnce thought never to be seen againThe infinity course beckoned aheadEighteen holes were for mere mortal men. Some folk can cheer up a cold dayWith just a few words or a glance.Others can make things seem betterIf you just give them half of a chance. My hands are clenched around chrome barsthe engines rumble sounds so sweet.I twist the throttle with my palmand roar off down the street. Here is a list of beautiful and comforting poems and verses for funerals and memorial services. I know now you are with meI feel your caressIll go on living for you,I could do nothing less. And so now to me, what does it all meanfor me not the fashion, or the high social scenebut the thundering hooves pounding down on the earthThe grace and the power of these kings of the turf. So when you talk of family lifeOr how it used to beThough many had more moneyNone were as rich as me. play up! Maybe the glorious legends, from Phar Lap to the Diva, That leaves me so infected, with the flush of racing fever, The buzz as they are mustered, from the starting gate they lurch, With the Form Guide as my bible, the racetrack as my church. He picked up bricks, mortar and trowel to craftBarbies and walls, buildings and homes that lastAn arch or a curve, all his work set apart,Because each brick he placed, was a work of art. Sown in the earth by skillful handsBrought forth by sun and storm,Destined for a harvest dayFulfilled when ripe grain forms. The dinosaur scratchings are slightly chewyAnd the Martian wines an unfriendly redBut not peeing in the night is pure delightAnd leaves you longer to hang over your bed. To shake our gravity up. Though we never knowWhere life will take us,I know its just a rideOn the wheel.And we never knowWhen death will shake usAnd we wonder howIt will feel.So Goodbye my friend.I know Ill never see you again.But the time togetherThrough all the years,Will take away these tears.Its OK now Goodbye my friend.I see a lot of thingsThat make me crazy,And I guess I held on to you,You could have run awayAnd left well maybe,But it wasnt timeAnd we both knew.So Goodbye My friend.I know Ill never see you again.But the love you gave meThrough all the yearsWill take away these tears.Im OK now Goodbye my friend.
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