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BP Diesel Fuel No. SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel (all grades) Revision Date: 01/22/2021 Page 1 of 13 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION (a) PRODUCT IDENTIFIER: Diesel Fuel (all grades) (b) OTHER MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION: Ultra Low Sulfur . Effective Date 12.09.2012. . Safety Data sheet (MSDS) for HFO32 and HFO46 Hydraulic oil TDS:- 1428 Prepared by:- Approved by:- Martin Davies Date: 07-05-17 REV NO:- 001 ECO:- 4476 Page 6 of 8 SECTION 16 OTHER INFORMATION N/D = Not determined, N/A = Not applicable The information and recommendations contained herein are, to the best of Hi-Force Ltd's knowledge and belief, . 0000002351 00000 n
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. P271 Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. We use cookies to deliver the websites basic functionality in a secure manor and analytics cookies to count visits/traffic sources to improve the performance of our site. 0000005870 00000 n
35 0 obj These valuable insights allow us to see where improvements can be made so we can develop and improve the website going forward. 0000004386 00000 n
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endobj Please use the search tool below to find the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) you're looking for, you can search by either typing in: the product code. 0000068526 00000 n
if the product has an acronym . 0000000756 00000 n
40 0 obj Safety Data Sheets (SDS) communicate information on properties and hazards of substances and mixtures, recommendations for safe handling and use, requirements for storage and transport, and measures for first aid, accidental releases, exposure control and personal protection. CHEMICAL PRODUCT and COMPANY INFORMATION (rev. 4 0 obj
What is a substance hazardous to health? 0000010286 00000 n
Welcome to BOC
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Identification BP Ultimate Diesel Manufacturer Supplier BP Australia Pty Ltd Level 17, 717 Bourke Street Docklands, Victoria 3008 ABN 53 004 085 616 www.bp.com.au Technical Helpline Number: 1300 139 700 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE 1800 638 556 NUMBER <<
Diesel (ULSD), Low Sulfur Diesel, Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel, Diesel Fuel #2, Dyed Diesel Fuel, Off-road Diesel, Locomotive and Marine . 0000012723 00000 n
MEbdww\G2bL2z=2+$[c[@R& Kr EbB0'dqYa>8r%[8q#sDXJ8=bOH\08Ph#5^! You should use the information it contains to help make your own assessment. SAFETY DATA SHEET MSDS No: Product Name: Manufacturers Code: Date: PENETRENE BULK PEN250, PEN500, PEN1, PEN5, PEN20, PEN200 September 2020 QUICK SMART PRODUCTS 53 ASSEMBLY DRIVE TULLAMARINE VIC 3043 ABN: 40 959 725 049 Ph: (03) 9338 6655 (BH) Fax: (03) 9335 2598 Email:
[email protected] Web: www.quicksmartproducts.com.au We use cookies to collect and analyse information on our site's performance and to enable the site to function. %PDF-1.4
Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier Morris Lubricants Castle Foregate Shrewsbury SY1 2EL 08.45 - 17.00 GMT T: (+44)(0)1743 232200 F: (+44)(0)1743 353584
[email protected] 1.4. . Cookies also allow us and our partners to show you relevant ads when you visit our site and other 3rd party websites, including social networks. endobj Jan-2003) Fuel Oils Burnett Rd Darent Industrial Park Slade Green Erith, Kent. You can choose between Letter view, or a full A-Z list. cookie preferences, where you will also find more information. 0000001432 00000 n
By selecting the ACCEPT ALL option, you consent to the use of the above cookies. 0000008548 00000 n
Diesel engines do not use high-voltage spark ignition, instead fuel ignition takes place as a result of compression of the inlet air mixture and then injection of fuel. For information on how to safely handle, use and store an Esso, Exxon or Mobil-branded fuels or chemicals, please refer to its specific Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Product Data Sheet (PDS). 0000005952 00000 n
Safety data sheet Keywords: Safety, Data, Sheet Created Date: 1/16/2020 1:27:45 PM . xref
0000012147 00000 n
Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Product identifier. Cookies also allow us and our partners to show you relevant ads when
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HSE aims to reduce work-related death, injury and ill health. <<871951BC22B1B2110A00701C0D2FFC7F>]/Prev 171193>> 1-K Kerosene, LS. All of our Technical Datasheets are available online. This database is constantly updated on a daily basis to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information it contains. 2. of . These cookies do not store any personal information. Safety Data Sheets for Mixtures. 9909 Revision Date: 10/18/2006 Page 1 of 7 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW CAUTION! A safety data sheet is not a risk assessment. Load more. If you are unable to find the MSDS you require, please email us at
[email protected]. <>stream
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Online Retailers ;&KJ2IHp3dD>'BH;> Automotive diesel fuel G10 pdf / 172.3 KB. We aim to exceed the expectations of our customers through a combination of leadership and proactive, preventive action. We've given you 5 free safety data sheets that we'll look after for you moving forward. By law (see REACH, Chemical classification) suppliers of chemicals must provide an up to date safety data sheet if a substance is dangerous for supply. Im self-employed. Safety Data Sheet Diesel 10 Version 1.00 Revision Date11.02.2020 Print Date 11.02.2020 100000015447 1/9 SECTION 1. <>stream
Press Releases. 0000017357 00000 n
Material Safety Data Sheet Diesel 50 Version 1.02 Revision Date 13.06.2012 Print Date 13.06.2012 100000003538 6/6 All reasonable efforts were exercised to compile this SDS in accordance with ISO 11014 and ANSIZ400.1.1993. 0000010540 00000 n
0000014889 00000 n
SAFETY DATA SHEET GHS product identifier Section 1. 0000011497 00000 n
0000014153 00000 n
0000001693 00000 n
. Safety data sheet information may lead to guidance appropriate for your task. We use cookies to monitor user activity on our website so we can understand just how people use the site. Download Fuel and Lubricant Material Data Safety Sheets; Tank Regulations, WorkSafe Expectation guidelines and account application forms. P264 Wash thoroughly after handling. Identification of the substance/preparation and company/undertaking Product name BP Unleaded Petrol, BP Ultimate Unleaded, BP Premium 95, LR 50 . Product Name Product Code Country/Region Language Date Business Type ; A20016PBA: E2271P/058A: USA: English (US) 09 Mar 2020: N/A: MSDS: A20017PBA: E2271P/058B: USA: English (US) 17 Nov . 0000001007 00000 n
60 0 obj Diesel Coolant HD50: 462042: Australia: English (GB) 02 Jun 2021: N/A: MSDS: Energear Axle LS 90: 467163: Australia: English (GB . BP Diesel Fuel No. We share info about the use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. >5! %PDF-1.4
Information contained in product data sheets and material safety data sheets is not intended to constitute product performance information. EINECS No . 0000044359 00000 n
Nry0QT^wL]M48H/v5 a part of the product name and an asterisk, for example 'sol*' and it will find all products beginning with 'sol'. 0g!87Jyp}VCl?AZu xyh - u#9 J-I. You can find further information on HSEs REACH web pages and on HSEs CLP web pages. If you are unable to find the MSDS you require, please email us at
[email protected]. Refine Search. xref
How Often Should your Boiler be Serviced. 0000001037 00000 n
30 0 obj MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Diesel Fuel (All Types) MSDS No. BP Unleaded Gasoline with Ethanol. Material Safety Data Sheets - Fuel. "1$)9_%\$7HkDhIoT6m]vlRR{% 9$:&&yth,zcSDCRlbk:[^o3f3""hfku6fVcV3:~"unQ"pECBCyl/~/[FI{-/o9pxCb_O_&'mg[TvW>_I,c0=Z9yO|}`$bW-7{1{`8>s`=H_]%It;HrgLm-v1VN Marine fuel oil. 2 Diesel; Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel; Non- Road Diesel Fuel; Locomotive/Marine Diesel Fuel _____ Page 1 of 10 Revision Date 8/30/12 %PDF-1.4
Working with substances hazardous to health: A brief guide to COSHH, (Examples of real life situations with COSHH), (Use these to get ideas for completing assessments). -EPU-%`~$|,=$dy{+z440gopnSc8wpY5)|K=.{_paDuv8p?9{^pr8yCmu?9Vj?KI]ON/D3B[B4RBR,AX70ZwD. As of December 1, 2012, all Safety Data Sheets of mixtures have to follow the same 16 section format with mandatory subsections as defined by REACH. %%EOF They describe the hazards the chemical presents, and give information on handling, storage and emergency measures in case of accident. If you wish to search for a fuel MSDS, you can access our online database at the following site: Air bp fuels MSDS database. If you need an SDS for a discontinued product or if you cannot find an SDS for a current product please contact your local Chevron Distributor or . NoFSk4. Product identifier Substance name: Auto Diesel / DERV Other means of identification: G.O.R.V. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) give information on the safe handling and storage of all our products. bp Ultimate diesel pdf / 170.1 . Assessment based on the following Material Safety Datasheets: MSDS007 Diesel Fuel Oil 18.10.2012.pdf Other documents relevant for this assessment HSE COSHH Essentials summary assessment RM56794835.pdf General ventilation G100.pdf General advice S100.pdf Selection of PPE S101.pdf COSHH 007 Rev. Biodiesel up to B5 pdf / 167.9 KB. Downloads. Follow Us. trailer DA8 2LG 2. Product Name Product Code Country/Region Language Date Business Type ; BP Turbo Oil 2380: 452219: Rest of World: English (GB) 28 May 2010: N/A: MSDS: BP Turbo Oil 2380 . BP Ultimate Diesel Product type SDS no. !i{s~roKyp\Do|~yo|yo-!d='/PW(m Identification Regular Unleaded petrol with 10% ethanol Other means of E10, E10M identification Manufacturer Supplier BP Australia Pty Ltd Level 17, 717 Bourke Street Docklands, Victoria 3008 ABN 53 004 085 616 www.bp.com.au Technical Helpline Number: 1300 139 700 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE 1800 638 . <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> %PDF-1.4
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[email protected] 1.4. Get in touch. Sika Limited. 0W-30 GS1/DS1 Diesel 0W-20 5W-30 DX 5W-40 A3/B4 5W-40 C3 Diesel 5W-40 DPF 10W-40 A3/B4 10W-40 A/B Diesel 10W-40 B4 . BP Ultimate Diesel SAFETY DATA SHEET GHS product identifier Section 1. !Gv?+}@PMU;9jx_vBI IS8G((Jb9m4"mKC5xS%4ZGP
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We share info about the use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Find Service Locations. Each result also returns a product data sheet )(PDS) and an environmental data sheet (EDS) as well. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. zD16f0lr6M 7d4 _5`lA20 g2r+d1Dlpf5Oqh-C$$ QJ:*4z$Jm|Bl Benefits for you 33 0 obj ;K/dmmq<=6p <> Code 12631 Supplier BP Products North America Inc. 150 West Warrenville Road Naperville, Illinois 60563-8460 USA EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORMATION: 1 (800) 447-8735 Outside the US: +1 703-527-3887 (CHEMTREC) EMERGENCY SPILL . !eC IRw`^d)Eu(_-V-$"YxzHrpGW^xgSrSB9qH$g3cr&qba%c_ludCs7(`z|*Xkyl
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Media: Do not use direct water jets on the burning product as they. 39 0 obj AD20 pdf / 167.9 KB. BP Unleaded Gasolines. We found {results_count_total} results for {phrase}. Ultra-Low Sulphur Diesel, AD10 Safety Data Sheet Number: 814648 Intended Use: Fuel Manufacturer: ConocoPhillips Ltd, Humber Refinery . 2. 42 0 obj They describe the hazards the chemical presents, and give information on handling, storage and emergency measures in case of accident. wUO=#l=Lc lT I+j'5_kD+;*V. .4
H2l3}fD JSIA1im@[f$Y.c> However, should you wish to discuss Rix's gas oil MSDS and diesel MSDS pdf resources . <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> Safety Data Sheets. . ]M/|ER`LhC0
n/^?}m__kgu%.asMG`BE 4 %PDF-1.3 The SDS provides information regarding the health, safety and environmental hazards, at the date of issue, to . On the downloadable material safety data sheet PDFs, you will find the safety information about the products and first aid guides for a variety of possible scenarios, including: fire fighting measures. May cause dizziness and drowsiness. To personalise your settings, please select the options below and select ALLOW CHOICES. <<83B8A77B63B1B2110A00B07A03F7FC7F>]/Prev 157238>> SAFETY DATA SHEET Page: 1 / 12 Revision nr : 1 Issue date : 30/01/2015 Kerosine (petroleum) Supersedes: SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. startxref 1. Documents & Files Available for Download. Marketing cookies help us decide which of our products, services and offers may be relevant for you. 0000000016 00000 n
COMPOSITION and INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Complex mixture of hydrocarbons in the C 4-C 11 range. 0000062772 00000 n
As of June 1, 2015, all Safety Data Sheets for mixtures have to cover the elements for classification and labeling according to CLP. 0000001402 00000 n
%%EOF If you wish to search for a fuel MSDS, you can access our online database at the following site. SAFETY DATA SHEET GHS product identifier Section 1. We pride ourselves in the quality of support we provide to our customers if there is a problem at one of their sites. 1 0 obj
When searching for a PDS you can search by product name . The Shell Product Catalogue is a new initiative from Shell designed to help you find and download key information on our products quickly, easily and efficiently.. Search for products by brand name or application in your preferred country and download Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and Technical Data Sheets (TDS) where available. UK, A quick and easy way to purchase products online, and have them ready to collect at your local Gas & Gear store, Search by postcode or town to locate your nearest BOC Gas & Gear retail store or agent across the UK & Ireland, A wide range of gases in various cylinder sizes and specialist welding and safety equipment can be bought online, Official BOC UK Online | Industrial Gases | Products & Solutions | BOConline UK, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Processes, Medical Gases Regulations & Classifications. Emergency telephone . However, should you wish to discuss Rix's gas oil MSDS and diesel MSDS pdf resources, please get in touch. 0000001025 00000 n
When searching for an MSDS, you can search via product or trade name, or by product code. BP Ultimate is scientifically proven to deliver a cleaner engine, which means better performance and better fuel economy for you. 0000001535 00000 n
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be avoided as water destroys the foam.. Diesel. BP Oil UK Limited, Witan Gate House 500-600 Witan Gate Central Milton Keynes MK9 1ES United Kingdom Supplier EMERGENCY TELEPHONE +44 (0) 1908 853000 . hb```b``f`e``ued@ A($/ =^M 0000008985 00000 n
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Safety data sheet information may lead to guidance appropriate for your task. Find your local distributor. . 0000001663 00000 n
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Safety Data Sheet (SDS) PDF - 149 KB (en) Loading. Diesel Unleaded Gasoline (92, 95 & 98 RON) endstream Then click on the GHS-SDS icon to retrieve an GHS-compliant sheets in PDF format. 2P2&(BPBYd0("30403z i
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As well as receiving chemicals you may supply them to others. 1. On the downloadable material safety data sheet PDFs, you will find the safety information about the products and first aid guides for a variety of possible scenarios, including: In an emergency, please call the emergency services. 0000001140 00000 n
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Registered office: Two Humber Quays, Wellington Street West, Hull, HU1 2BN, Fill out our quick form and we'll call you back. endobj It provides first aid information, information about the . <]/Prev 169850>> the full product name. The MSDS/PDS tool aims to provide the users access to material safety and product data sheets and satisfy BP's legal requirement to publish. stream CAS No 86290-81-5. MATERIAL AND SUPPLY COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: Diesel Extra 15W-40 Synonyms Product Code Diesel Extra 15W40, 10 Litres 1087.10 Diesel Extra 15W40, 20 Litres 1087.20 Product identifier Trade name/designation : Kerosine (petroleum) EC Index : 649-404-00-4 EC No : 232-366-4 CAS No. We use cookies to deliver the websites basic functionality in a secure manor and analytics cookies to count visits/traffic sources to improve the performance of our site. 0000001420 00000 n
Trade name Diesel 10 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against. Automotive Diesel Fuel G10, BP 10 ppm diesel fuel, Ultra Low Sulphur diesel fuel, Automotive Diesel fuel, AD20, AD40, Alpine Diesel and Biodiesel up to B5. %%EOF Q%a}HsEWLU_.J Don't forget to click the search button each time you make a change to the search criteria. To personalise your settings, please select the options below and select ACCEPT CHOICES. <> An SDS explains how the substance should be safely used, stored, transported and disposed of. Safety Data Sheet Material Name: Diesel Fuel, All Types SDS No. <>stream
0000009082 00000 n
Safety Data Sheet According to EC 1907/2006 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. BP is committed to supporting reconciliation in Australia as outlined in our Reconciliation Action Plan. you visit our site and other 3rd party websites, including social networks. Compressor Oil 32; Energol RCR 32 Rarus . You can choose to allow all cookies by clicking Allow all or manage them individually by clicking Manage cookie preferences, where you will also find more information. SAFETY DATA SHEET 1 . We are quick to send our own experts to site when necessary . Watchmead AL7 . P235 Keep cool. 0 Emergency telephone number Emergency telephone +44 (0)1743 232200 (08.45 - 17.00 hrs GMT) SECTION 2: Hazards identification <>stream
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