A small infestation isnt a big deal; once it grows, your plant can be in big trouble. You should also make sure theres good air circulation near your plant. The biggest plant disease you want to avoid from over-watering is root rot. You may have everything you need at home already. Most indoor plants, on the other hand, live in a kind of perpetual spring, where it is warm but not hot and there is little moisture in the air. We earn from qualifying purchases. Then, to keep the cuts in contact with the mix, start pushing T-pins through the leaf into the soil. Please note the tuber I split here in the images is nowhere large enough to need splitting but it is all I had on hand to demonstrate with! Regarding the Rex Begonia, you want to repot in a shallow pot. Using a shovel or flat-edged spade, slice completely around the outer perimeter of the plant, a few inches away from the foliage. Its not uncommon for a clipped cane to produce two new shoots, resulting in an overall thicker and bushier plant. Learn how from The Urban Gardener, Alan Creach of Creach Greenhouse and The Plant Farm.In this video, Alan refers to root tone, which is the same type of product as Bonide Rooting Power, which is what we currently use and recommend at The Plant Farm. Cut a healthy leaf. You Might Also Like: There are two main ways to propagate a Rex Begonia. Its a natural oil and isnt known to harm many plants. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful home and garden ever. Begonias are some of my favorite indoor plants. Begonias for the garden have different cultivation needs so the notes below will help guide you to success. Use a well-draining soil mix to care for Begonia rex and provide bright indirect light. Theyre tiny and hard to detect. You deal with powdery mildew when you see a white powdery substance all over your plant. Because your begonia cannot afford to produce both stems and leaves, it focuses on stems in the hope of achieving better illumination. A Begonia rex needs porous fast-draining soil using peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite. Rex begonias are often troubled by powdery mildew and botrytis fungal disease. Moisten the sphagnum with a sprayer, then cover with glass or plastic wrap to keep moisture in. The easiest method to turn one Rex Begonia into two (or more) Rex Begonias is by dividing the . These flowers have a slight resemblance to roses. You want to switch out the saturated soil for fresh, moist soil. You start by filling a tray with smooth pebbles. Open the containers lid once a week for 10 minutes to let the cuttings breath. How to Water Houseplants Step 2 - Prepare the New Location. The problem is that a rex begonia with some leaves bitten off is really a disaster on the gardening front. A few stones may help keep the begonia leaf from curling up and away from the mix, as well. When the water evaporates, it creates moisture in the air. When to Start Seeds Indoors These elegant plants arent hard to propagate. Rex begonia can be difficult to grow because of its need for high humidity. If you have a hanging basket or a table-top pot of . On the other hand separating the rhizome takes the most work since you need to get the plant out of its container. It isnt too good to be true! You will want to be looking at the underneath side of the leaf. Appearance. If you grow cane or wing begonias, give this technique a try with them, as well! How to Make a Kokedama. . The vibrant colored leaves of a Begonia Rex start to fade and look bleached when it is getting too much direct sun. Stand the stem into the bottle, and keep foliage above water or on top of the bottle. Tap water contains salt and other chemicals that can harm your plant. But if all the roots are rotten, there isnt anything you can do for the plant. Potting soil, peat moss, perlite, vermiculite. Rex begonias are a colourful addition to your indoor or patio potted plants. You Might Also Like: There is an entire group of hybrid begonias that the world knows as Rex Cultorum meaning that they can all trace their . Rather, your plant is balding, which many older gardeners can certainly relate to! It grows about 6 inches tall and wide. Can you divide Rex Begonias? Clip just above growth nodes to give the plant something to work with as it grows new leaves. Anthurium Light Tips, How Cold Can Anthurium Tolerate Temperature and Humidity. Lift the Rex begonia tuber from the pot with a spade or your hands. Do not mist, increase humidity with humidifier or pebble tray. Propagating a Begonia rex doesnt have to be complicated. Gather the items on the "Materials & Tools" list above. A few stones may help keep the begonia leaf from curling up and away from the mix, as well. And some are smooth, some fuzzy. Avoid nicking or cutting the tuber if you are using a spade. Mermaid Tail Succulent Care #1 Best Tips. Fertilize your begonias. See those tiny plants unfurling? (6 Useful Methods of Use). Rhizomatous types grow from fleshy, caterpillar-like structures inclined to spread over the pot lips or even stand upward. Keep your leaf cutting near 70 degrees and give it plenty of humidity. Join our Facebook Group About Houseplants and Gardening, propagate using water as a medium for Begonias, Mars Hydro VG80 Seedling LED Grow Light Review, 11 Worst Signs of Anthurium Root Rot Fix Anthurium Root Rot. Another way to prevent pests is to remove dead or dying leaves right away permanently. Jenny Harrington has been a freelance writer since 2006. They are resilient and thrive under that level of pruning. Use a garden fork to dig a healthy wax begonia plant. . They should always be your last resort because they contain chemicals that can harm the environment. It needs bright, but indirect sunlight and the soil should always be slightly moist. Slightly moist soil is ideal for painted leaf begonias, but excess moisture will cause root rot, so make sure the water drains properly from the pot and you empty the saucer of excess water. Debra is a member of The Spruce Gardening andPlant Care Review Board. Indoor begonias thrive in soil-free mediums. Rex begonias require regular water, but be careful not to overwater them. You should avoid freezing temperatures at all times. Brush fungicide onto each cut surface of the roots to prevent disease. They thrive on humidity but be careful if misting leaves that they don't stay too wet and encourage powdery mildew. Place your plant or bury the rhizome in a shallow container filled with rich, aerated plant mix. And make sure your plant is always getting bright but indirect sunlight. Pruning on a regular basis causes the plant to mature and develop a thicker set of stems. Plant growth is costly and necessitates the use of nutrients. Its beautiful leaves are sensitive to direct sunlight. 100K views 9 years ago In the video, Alan of The Plant Farm talks about the unique Rex Begonia and how to propagate it. To water propagate your Begonia, all you have to do is partially submerge the stem in water, leaving the leaves sticking out. The original Rex Begonia had dark leaves with wonderful silver designs. Rex begonias make excellent house plants, and are easy to divide so you can gift them to friends. Brush off the excess soil and inspect the rhizome to find the buds. What if I told you that you could propagate a bunch of beautiful rex begonias for almost nothing? According to Cornell University, your Begonia is susceptible to this disease in wet or humid environments. Published: Wednesday, 26 August, 2020 at 3:06 pm. Trimming a cane begonia allows you to remove up to two-thirds of any stem without fear of killing the plant. There are several ways to create humidity for any indoor plant. Fibrous rooted and rhizomatous begonias do not die back once a year like tuberous begonias. It is also available online, visit our website at spokaneplantfarm.com.For over fifty years, our plants have been locally grown in Spokane Valley, WA. Giving your leggy begonia a haircut is the absolute best way to deal with it! Here is where you will find the Rex begonias, Dragon Wing begonias, and other specialty ones like Eyelash begonias. If you do this too often, it can create powdery mildew. Keep the seeds in temperatures of between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit until they germinate. The rex begonia plant thrives in humid environments and exposure to bright indirect sunlight. Dont remove the plastic wrap until a few new leaves have grown. If you have a heat mat for seedlings, that will help the begonia leaf cuttings get off to a faster start. You could also put your leaf cuttings in an east window as long as the temperature stays consistently warm. Begonias originated in the tropics and thrive in warm, humid climates. Beefsteak geranium,King begonia,painted-leaf begonia,Rex begonia. Don't water the leaves, only the soil to avoid fungal disease issues. Cane begonias should be pruned on a regular basis to encourage a thicker growth, and other varieties benefit from having their excessively straggly growth removed as well. It's available in various colors. Start as many leaves as will fit in your tray or pot without the leaves touching. Rex begonias grow from a rhizome, which is a root system that sprouts buds and roots to grow into the plant. The seeds . http://www.gardengatemagazine.com/articles/how-to/divide/how-to-propogate-rex-begonias-from-leaf-cuttings/, How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings, How to Propagate Rex Begonias from Leaf Cuttings. You will need pruning shears (This is the one I use), and I would recommend a jar or bowl of water for larger cuttings more on that later! This is a common method for dividing hardy begonias. Water once it has almost dried out. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Using a little bit of root tone and a small amount of fungicide to keep. Unlike other types of legginess, this is not caused by excessive growth. Water Rex begonias require regular water, but be careful not to overwater them. I hang fluorescent lights 6 inches above the cuttings and leave them on about 12 hours each day until the new plants start to grow. The original leaf probably will have torn apart and may have even disintegrated. Water until it begins dripping from the bottom drainage holes to ensure it is moist throughout. Rex begonias need thorough watering but should not be overwatered. Avoid direct sunlight, but any location with good diffuse light will encourage your begonia to bloom with an abundance of alluring foliage. 2 Let the soil surface become dry to the touch before watering. Painted-leaf begonia can be propagated in different ways, including: Leaf cuttings; Stem cuttings; Dividing the rhizome; Of the three, the most common is leaf cutting because it requires less work to set up. A dimly lit environment will encourage your begonia to send out long stalks in search of light. And the Begonia rex isnt the only wonder species out there. When choosing your pot, a good general rule of thumb is no more than 20cm across the top for each begonia. If the two asexual propagation methods of cutting and branching are adopted, we should pay attention to maintaining high environmental humidity and temperature from 20 to 25 . The flowers can turn orange, pink, and white. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. have carefully selected these products for their usefulness and quality. Other varieties may not require as much vigorous pruning, but even the most delicate begonia will benefit from having its overgrown stalks and stems trimmed back. It can be a tattered, older leaf, but on the underside, the main veins should be plump and undamaged. Straight perlite is very easy for starting new rhizomes. This can take about two or three weeks. To treat this disease, remove all infected leaves on the plant. 50%. Rex begonias can be bought at the following online retailers: Logees, Amazon and Etsy, and many other online and offline shops. Find a rex begonia leaf you want to propagate and cut it off the plant. Rex begonias do produce delicate flowers but are usually grown for their spectacularly colored and intriguingly textured leaves. Because their leaf markings are so beautiful, rex begonia growers often remove the small, inconspicuous flowers when they appear, as they can detract from the foliage display. Sow so the surface of the tuber is right at or right beneath soil level. But be careful not to let the plastic touch the leaves or you could risk fungal problems. It should be getting bright indirect light. Begonia rex 'Putzey' came into cultivation as a stowaway plant that germinated on an orchid which was imported into England at the height of the Victorian plant collecting fever. We empower you to efficiently solve each new challenge and make your life better and easier. Managine Pests in Gardens: BegoniaBegoniaspp. Cut the germinated tubers longitudinally, each with 1 to 2 buds, and plant in a pot after the incision is dried. Expect one or two plants per cut. You may get several cuttings depending on the size of your leaf. In most cases, it is easiest to divide a perennial plant by first digging and lifting the entire plant. When we say a plant is leggy, we mean that its growth is concentrated in its stems. This plant dislikes cold temperatures. Active Interest Media Holdco, Inc. Copyright 2023. Pot in well-draining soil and feed with a balanced fertilizer in the spring and early summer months. Cut the leaf and stem from the main plant, then take off the leaf stem and throw it away so youre left with just the leaf. I just call them all fancy-leaf begonias, but they divide into several structural groups: Fibrous-rooted ones have cane-like stems and often wing-like leaves. Rex begonias are herbaceous perennials in zones 10-12 so they are treated as annuals or houseplant specimens in Connecticut. You can root these cuttings in perlite, potting soil, or any other sterile media. These leaves are arranged in an asymmetrical manner on the stems. Knowing which Begonia you have can help a lot in having success with bringing the plants indoors for the winter. Expect one or two plants per cut. Divide the vine into smaller pieces, ensuring each has at least two or three leaves. Place the cutting at a 45-degree angle in a fresh pot of peat moss and perlite. It takes about 1,000,000 begonia seeds to make up 1 ounce, with each seed weighing about 28 micrograms. Be careful not to over-water your plant, though. These mites arent actual insects but arachnids instead. An older begonia may become leggy as the leaves on its older stems fall off. Use as many as you need to hold the leaf flat. The easiest method is to buy a humidifier. The bright side is if you find an infestation early, its easy to get rid of. Your plant will get plenty of sun but it wont receive direct sunlight. There are wide different Begonia rex varieties available: Begonia rex has vibrant foliage that ranges from red to green to purple with various patterns. Even though high humidity isnt required, it keeps the plant full, lush, and healthy. With a moderate growth rate, rex begonias may grow to less than 12 inches in a year. Dry, brittle leaves are a symptom of dry air. Place the leaf-cutting, so its sticking out of the soil at a 45-degree angle. How to Water Houseplants Water once the to 1-inch of soil is dry once a week. Make sure the medium is evenly moist but not wet or soggy. Continue reading to learn how to turn this unfortunate circumstance into a win for your indoor garden. How to Root Succulents with Leaf Cuttings Make sure you sterilize the pruning shears with isopropyl alcohol. Youll also need to make sure theres plenty of air circulation. Here are some other cool Begonia species to check out. long stem cutting from a healthy Begonia Rex. Male and female flowers are borne separately on the same plant, the male . But be careful not to let the plastic touch the leaves or you could risk fungal problems. This is because the leaves are covered in calcium oxalate crystals. Once your plant is soil-free, you must wash off the roots. Plant one Begonia rex per pot. But they can get pricey. Rex Begonia. This article is about how to care for Begonia rex. Step 4: Pin the rex begonia leaf into seed-starting mix Turn the begonia leaf back over and press it into the seed-starting mix. Whats more, dividing rex begonias reinvigorates them and makes them grow better. Place your plant in the shade if grown outdoors. All you have to do [], Begonia Venosa Care - Guide To Plant Success | Plantophiles, [] you are interested in Begonia, other Begonia to have a look at are Begonia Rex, Begonia Darthvaderiana, Begonia [], Begonia Cucullata Care: Here's What You Need to Know | Plantophiles, [] can also gradually move your Begonia into lower light as time goes on, but keep in mind you will have to adapt it to bright light in the [], Begonia Bipinnatifida Care: Here's What's Important | Plantophiles, [] this Begonia is also very prone to powdery mildew and other fungal and bacterial diseases. Airy, light, fast-draining soil is best for rex begonias. How to Divide Bearded Irises Pin the leaf down so that each cut makes good contact with the seed-starting mix. Rex begonias can also be propagated by pinning a leaf to the bedding mix and making small incisions in the leaf veins or by inserting a leaf (with a petiole) directly into the soil. How to Divide 45 Favorite Perennials Step 4: Pin the rex begonia leaf into seed-starting mix Turn the begonia leaf back over and press it into the seed-starting mix. The best way to thicken the stem of your begonia is to simply wait. This article will show you the easiest way to propagate a rex begonia leaf. . To prevent transplant shock (common with heavy-handed transplants), water the plant 24hrs before the main event. But you should always test a small area of your plant to be on the safe side. Grow them there until theyre big enough to put in the garden or transplant into more permanent pots. [], [] want to dilute the neem oil with water in a spray bottle. Ideal daytime temperatures are around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, nighttime temperatures around 60 degrees, and a constant humidity level around 50 percent. At night, the temperature should never drop below 60F (16C). The soil should be watered to feel slightly, but evenly moist. Because you can only cut once, consider what you want to keep and what needs to go. On occasion, Ive pruned the top of a begonia, removed the leggy portion of the stem, and then immersed the remaining top in water to establish root. Use a sharp knife and divide into as many pieces as you like, as long as each piece has at least one bud on it. Cut the tuber with a sharp knife directly between the two stems. How to Divide 45 Favorite Perennials Lopping your begonias over-extended stems and pinching out its errant growth, as drastic as it may appear, is the most effective way to bring that growth back under control. Rex begonias do best in moderate temperatures (60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit) and moderately high humidity (around 50 percent). It grows 8 inches tall and wide. Its a great way to get your begonia bushing out instead of legging it upwards. Slice down several inches deepat least 6 inches for most plants and more for extremely large, well-rooted plants. Active Interest Media Holdco, Inc. Copyright 2023. Step 2: Take a leaf cutting from your rex begonia. Because they are not aggressive bloomers, they can tolerate less light than other begonias and will thrive under fluorescent lights. While begonias are prone to becoming leggy, there is a relatively simple fix that can result in even more begonias! If it has, remove the rotten roots. Jun 1, 2021 - Rex begonias make excellent house plants, and are easy to divide so you can gift them to friends. Youll know you have a mealybug infestation if you see cotton fluff covering your plant. 2. Rhizomatous begonias such as the rex begonia can be easily propagated by. Its both economical and satisfying to watch your sad, leggy begonia transform into a thriving swarm of new plants. Plus, there will be minimal damage to your plant. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. After reading this, I am quite confident that I can now save my favorite plants, and to have many more! Like many other Begonias, the Begonia rex is susceptible to several plant issues. Make sure the water isnt running full blast. Is it skewed in one direction? Tuberous and rhizomatous begonias benefit from leaf removal and will reward you with new shoots and more perfectly formed growth. If you give your begonia too much space, it will seize the opportunity and spread as quickly as it can into the new space. The vast majority of begonias offered in the trade are hybrids so they cannot be accurately propagated from seed. 3. This will help make it stand up. Consider using a grow light if you cant find a good bright spot. Overgrowth occurs in all begonias, but it is most noticeable in cane begonias. Begonia seeds are tiny and you might mistake them for dust or pollen. Fill an 8-inch diameter pot with well-draining soil mix. You can use tape to keep the plastic wrap to the cutting. Pin into place with wire. Gently transplant the babies into 3-inch pots. Stem cuttings are very simple. This is how you may get more of these wonderful plants for free. Above: Moist soil, happy begonia. Harrington's specialties include small business information, crafting, decorating and gardening. Divide rhizomatous begonias in spring, ensuring that each portion of the rhizome bears one or more growing points. The soil should always be moist. Repot in spring when the rhizome outgrows the pot. Spray your plant down every three weeks or so. The most toxic parts of this plant grow underground. Rex Begonia can also reproduce by dividing tubers. 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